It would be great to find a way to pay those high student loan's debt. although as the economy inproves very slowly, it would be a great work for the goberment to do something about it. I graduated fro a 2 year college with didnt realy explain the repayment methods of my loans and been a foreing transfer student, didnt know what i was getting in to. Please greate some regulations for private institutions where they can "trick" prospect student with degrees that bearly can get you a job, and insted consume you into debt.
Why is this important?
It would be great to find a way to pay those high student loan's debt. although as the economy inproves very slowly, it would be a great work for the goberment to do something about it. I graduated fro a 2 year college with didnt realy explain the repayment methods of my loans and been a foreing transfer student, didnt know what i was getting in to. Please greate some regulations for private institutions where they can "trick" prospect student with degrees that bearly can get you a job, and insted consume you into debt.