To: Clyde Sakamoto, President Donald Trump, The Hawaii State Senate, Governor David Ige, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Student Loan Rates

Stop the raise in Student Loans rates. Why should big banks that get a 0.75% window rate on loans from the Federal Reserve while the students have to pay outstanding rates just to get an education? We all know what these big banks do to our economy. This unfair, unjust act of greed should be stopped against students willing to better their education. Lower the Student Loan Rates.

Why is this important?


My name is Destiny and I am currently a college student at University of Hawaii, Maui College. I have a loan that I took out when I was 17 years old that I need to pay back and I do not want the rates to be raised.

Living in Hawaii, renting my own place and going to college is already difficult enough without the raise of rates.

Please start a petition for your school or sign mine.

Be the change that you want the world to see.
