To: The Oregon State Senate and The United States Senate

Student Loan Reforms

Please join the #slreforms movement and demand change now! Stop predatory compounded interest, interest caps on the lifetime of the loan, allow all loans to be refinanced. Just these three items would solve 90% of the student loan crisis. This would avoid the need for bankruptcy. It allows students to pay, tax payers don't and we avoid the next financial collapse. Common sense These rules would apply to both federal and private student loans.

Why is this important?

Student loan debt is going past 1.5 trillion dollars and when this bubble bursts it will affect our entire economy. Time to fix this and allow the students to pay, tax payers don't. I've paid 75k on my 108k loan and I owe 213k and its growing. This is predatory and the government should not be creating indentured servitude on the backs of student and their families.
