To: President Donald Trump, The North Carolina State House, The North Carolina State Senate, Governor Roy Cooper, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Student Loans Interest Free

Remove the interest from student loans so that our youth can get a head start in life from their education, not a ball and chain around their futures. This should be retroactive and immediate. It will be a strong stimulus in that the people most affected are the ones that need money to start and maintain their lives now.

Why is this important?

Student loans are owned by the United States government and should be free of interest. Now that this form of debt has topped $1,000,000,000 (Trillion) it hardly seems like a good way to reward those who seek the education required to compete in today's global markets. Students and their families are profoundly affected by this debt and it is affecting the futures of our youth and their families by saddling them with untenable debt before they even get out of the starting gate. With no interest these debts will vanish earlier and put these dollars to work on building families. This should be done immediately and retroactively.