To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate
Student Loaons
Please help put a stop to this insanity. I thought education was for people who truly wanted to change their lives. How can they do that coming out owing hundreds and hundreds of dollars? Please write your congress, lets put a stop to this insanity. Please help me stop this greed. Thank you!!!!
Why is this important?
When I went to nursing school, I came out with a student loan that caused no hardships to pay it back. Today the fees are so expensive that even if you get a great job, it is taking half your check. A BS is costing approx $300,000 and a lawyer or P.hd, well you could only imagine. You come out of school with almost paying as long as your house payment, and very plush house at that! Student are having to stay with their parent to even afford this outrage. These are student that push them self to exhaustion just to get that degree. Why is the education costing this much? the only answer is greed!