To: President Donald Trump, The Michigan State House, The Michigan State Senate, Governor Gretchen Whitmer, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Student Mercy-Pardon College Debt/Loan Repayments

Pardon student debt/loan repayment for federal/private student loans for students who cannot find employment or adequate employment in their career field due to America's 2007/2008 Economic meltdown until this current date. Everyone else has been helped by the President. Mr. President, will you help us too?

Why is this important?

For Students who cannot find a reasonable paying job in their career fields due to a slow, down, or economically distress economy, such as America's right now.
Help Prevent students from undergoing debt, and credit issues due to no fault of their own. Help prevent students from defaulting on their federal student loans.
Since America's economic meltdown in 2007, many taxpayers have suffered loss of jobs, homes, retirement and savings losses, higher education costs, and etc. The president has addressed and put into place some measure of relief to help everyone but struggling students trying to find a job, all while federal mandates are still in place that pressure already distressed students to pay back their student loans without any mercy. Even more tragic, the current forbearances and deferments in place for students are not only insufficient in bringing relief to students/parents, but worsen the blow of the students's plight in finding their way in America's weakened economy. Please Help - Sign today!
