To: Shon Joseph, Stephanie Ardoin-Gregg, and Ms. Lynne Leuthard

Students Of Little Elm High School: Bring Back Lunch Hour

We, The students, parents and staff of Little Elm High School request our hour long lunch as it was.

Why is this important?

We request, no demand, that our 8 class periods (requiring an hour-long lunch as one class period) replace our current schedule. We assert that 30 minutes is not nearly enough time to get food and eat it before the allotted time is up. Kids are missing their meals, having to eat far too quickly ( which is very unhealthy), and it is destructive to the education of the students. The lines are too long, the people are too numerous. and the food is not being distributed quickly enough to fulfill the needs of your students, which should be the goal of the school board to begin with.
