To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Sub-Divide and Conquer

To Sub-Divide (and thus Conquer, and Re-Start!) The United States by dividing into fifty Cantons, patterned after the Swiss model. Each Canton would vote for the three primary (work!) purposes they intend to pursue, and the work would begin! People would be free to move from Canton to Canton, assuming they freely agree to work on one (or more) of that Canton's stated purposes.

Why is this important?

It's all about dividing the "United States" into fifty Cantons, patterned after the Swiss model. The residents of each Canton would vote for three main purposes that the Canton population stands (and works!) for, like carpentering, or enghineering, or 'you-name-it'. Banks would be limited to dealing within each Canton (i.e., no Inter-Cantonese deals.) Each Canton would have it's own militia, and would provide volunteers to serve the National defense.

And, of course, whatever else the Canton freely votes for.