To: Sudantha Vidanage, Bethlehem School Board Member, Dr. Joseph Roy, School District Superintendent, Michael Faccinetto, School Board President, Michele Cann, School Board Vice President, Basilio Bonilla Jr, School Board Member, Irene Follw...

Sudantha Vidanage: Resign/Be Removed From The Bethlehem Area School District's Board of Directors

We, the residents/tax payers/electors of the Bethlehem Area School District request the resignation of Director Vidanage due to his lack of performance. If Director Vidanage refuses to resign his position, we ask that the school board declare his seat abandoned/vacated.

Why is this important?

I am a resident, tax payer, and voter within the Bethlehem Area School District. Over the last few months the BASD Board of Directors have been debating the 2013-2014 school year budget, as well as other important issues. As a resident, tax payer, and voter of the district I believe that our children's education should be the top priority of the district and especially the board of directors.

It has been made very clear to "us" the public that the district, community, and our children are not Director Vidanage's top priority. He has an atrocious/embarrassing attendance record for meetings/budget hearings.

In 2011, I casted my vote in favor of Mr. Vidanage, because I then believed our children would been his top priority. Since then I have been proven wrong by his lack of attendance. Mr. Vidanage shows up late to meetings, leaves early, or doesn't even bother to show up at all. By doing this he has violated his obligation to the district, students, and tax payers.

In 2011, Mr. Vidanage swore an oath to "us" the tax payers and the district when he said, "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support, obey and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of this Commonwealth, and that I will discharge the duties of my office with fidelity." Since then he has violated that oath and his obligations.

Therefore "we" the tax payers, parents, community, and voters ask that Mr. Vidanage resign from the Bethlehem Area School Board of Directors. If he choses not to follow the wishes of those who have elected him, then "we" ask the Board of Directors to declare Mr. Vidanage's seat abandoned/vacated.