To: Brent Long, Principal and Bill Heath, Director of Schools, LCSS

Summertown High School / Lawrence County TN Schools


The Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards are the next step in Michelle Obama's plan to improve the health of America’s young people. USDA and its partners are working hard to ensure that all children have access to affordable, nutritious food, so that America’s next generation of leaders grow up healthy and strong.

Why is this important?

My children come home extremely hungry from school every day with the change in the school meals.

Along with the school menu changes, our principal is no longer along children to bring in snacks. If they bring in snacks or drinks they will be confiscated. (All snack machines on campus are off limits and on timers during school hours.)

I wanted to see this changed to allow them to bring in healthy snacks to have in between classes, or during breaks in classes.