To: All Democratic Super Delegates, President Donald Trump, The California State House, The California State Senate, Governor Gavin Newsom, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Super Delegate Neutrality

Oregon Super Delegates have pledged absolute neutrality during the Democratic Presidential Primary. As the Party of the People, ALL SUPER DELEGATES should pledge to remain neutral and LET RANK & FILE DEMOCRATS CHOOSE OUR CANDIDATE.

Why is this important?

Oregon Super Delegates pledged neutrality in the Democratic Presidential Primary out of a belief that THE PEOPLE and not THE PARTY should choose our nominee. This IS the standard by which OUR PARTY should be judged. For ONCE, let the voice of the Rank & File be our guide AND NOT the hand picked ESTABLISHMENT CANDIDATE. The influence of Super Delegates is absolutely inconsistent with every stated goal and ideal of the Democratic Party.