To: Dr. Travis L. Reeves, Superintendent of Schools
Superintendent Travis L. Reeves: Stop The Bullying at Pilot Middle School
Make safer and easier ways for victims to report bullying. Stop giving bullies info on who reported them. Make punishments tougher on bullies. Have a no tolerance for bullying and stick to it . Make kids feel safer at school.
Why is this important?
My son Joshua has been the target of bullying by the same two children at Pilot Middle School for some time now, Two weeks ago my some came home with bruises where one of these boys caught him in the bathroom and repeatedly punched him, I have been to the school many times and nonthing has changed along with no punishment. I was in a meeting with the principal when my son was in the bathroom, he used his cell phone to record one of these incidents with another child being the target, he came to the office as I was leaving and told me what had just happened, Mrs. Sawyers the principal watched and listened to video knew the children involved there was no punishment handed down to the bully. On the following Tuesday she informed us if she punished the kids involved she would have to suspend my son for recording it. Since this incident I have been made aware that there are other children being bullied by these kids but they are scared to come forward because they know nonthing will get done......PLEASE HELP GET MORE AWARENESS AT THIS SCHOOL AND SPEAK UP THAT WE ARE NOT GOING TO TOLERATE BULLYING IN ANY SCHOOL NOT JUST THIS ONE