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To: colorfulchew, Owner of Supernoobs Minecraft Server

Supernoobs: Bring Back Chest Shops Plugin

We ask colorfulchew, the owner of the Supernoobs Minecraft server, and the Supernoobs server admins to bring back the Chest Shops plugin that was on the previous Scarlet towny back on the new 1.9 server.

Why is this important?

This month, we updated to 1.9 with a nice, new world with new features such as elytras, the mending and frost walker enchantments, and a new combat system, among others. While some server aspects are still the same as in 1.8, a few things have changed: most notably the town upkeep prices and the shop plugin. We ask colorfulchew to bring back the chest shop plugin for these reasons: The existing spawn shops monopolize the economy and do not promote any competition whatsoever, the chest shops would promote competition, encourage economic growth, and encourage people, rich and poor, to spend money on buying things from people they trust, and that more than 90% of other towny servers have the chest shop plugin or similar.

The first reason why the chest shop plugin exists is that the shops at spawn monopolize the economy, which inhibits competition from occurring and prevents competition from occurring, which is essential for a healthy economy. Back in the 1.8 server, there were chest shops in most major towns, and these shops always had plenty of things in stock and never had any issues of money shortages due to people selling things to them. With this new spawn shops, money's always running out in those shops because people are selling too much stuff to them, which prevents others from stocking the shop with materials people need, unlike chest shops, where the owner of the shop can just stock the shop by filling up the chest and are able to have greater control on how much people can sell to them (i.e. diamonds by filling 26 of the 27 chest slots with dirt so they can only sell up to 64 diamonds, therefore preventing bankruptcy from occurring). Competition between the various town/nation shops ensured that the shops stayed on top of things and kept prices steady.

The second reason why chest shops should be brought back is that they encourage economic growth, competition, and encourage people of all kinds to spend their money in shops that they trust, which the spawn shops do not provide. Back in 1.8, towns with chest shops were prosperous and many people visit these towns every day. These towns had beautiful spawns and a few towns even had malls where players would be able to rent a shop space to open up their chest shop, which in turns generates more extra revenue for the town (which would also help with paying the town's upkeep, which is 10 times more than in the previous map). Towns were constantly competing against each other for having the best shop on the server, which kept prices steady and people flocking into towns to spend their money. Finally, people went to shops that were owned by people that they trust, something that wouldn't occur in an economy with just one single store at spawn.

The third and final reason why chest shops would return is that many other towny servers, small and large, have the chest shop plugins or similar plugins. These servers have bustling market economies, where prices are set freely by supply and demand with little government intervention. Like the 1.8 Scarlet, towns were bustling with activity, people coming and going to spend their money at the town shops and in some cases deciding to join that particular town where all of their favorite shops are located. A few of these servers can have more than 100 players online in peak hours, which shows all the activity encouraged by those server's chest shop-filled free market economies.

In conclusion, in order to provide a better economy and promote competition, economic growth (especially in towns), and fix the problem of not being able to sell things to shops due to lack of money in the shop's bank, we ask that the Chest Shop plugin (which has been updated to 1.9 by the way) to be brought back to the server. Towns would be more prosperous and active, which in turn would keep more people on the server longer and boost player counts as well as vote counts. The owners of the chest shops would be able to set prices at levels where supply and demand would be at equilibrium and solve the shop stocking issue, both of which the current spawn shops would not be able to do flawlessly. We want to be able to sell things without having to deal with the shops running out of money, and we want to be able to buy things from actual shops in towns/nations run by actual people, and not by some random NPC's siting behind a counter like it was back in 1.8. Please bring the chest shops plugin back.



2022-04-05 00:44:42 -0400

25 signatures reached