To: The New York State House, The New York State Senate, and Governor Andrew Cuomo

Support A3431A-2011/S5167-2011Banning the Devocalization of Dogs and Cats

This bill 364a will prohibits people from having there dogs or cats vocal cords surgically removed. this is section one. section 2 only allows it if it is medically needed for the welfar of the intended animals.Sect 3 record keeping Sect 4 prevents selling without the buying being made aware of this. Sect 5 regulates the definition.
Sect 6 penalties for violation. Section two allows Dept of Agriculture & markets to enforce and educate. there is more just look it up on the web or Google it.

Why is this important?

We want to prevent the Devocalizatin it is a cruel and inhumane practice which allows people to cut out the vocal cords of there animals. It is painful and they still can make strange noises, which are even more annoying. It has been reported that after they do this horrible thing they then dump the poor animals. Lets support the bill making it illegal to do this.
