To: The Tennessee State House, The Tennessee State Senate, and Governor Bill Lee

Support Autism Insurance Coverage in Tennessee!

YES! I support legislation that will require health insurance companies to cover Autism-related therapies -- pass Autism Insurance Reform SB1286/HB1265 *NOW* -- it just makes good fiscal sense for Tennessee!

Why is this important?

Children and young people on the Autism spectrum deserve insurance coverage for autism-related therapies!

Sign the petition!

We are so grateful to Senator Jim Tracy & Representative Kevin Brooks for filing Autism Insurance Reform bill SB1286/HB1265!

Studies show that Autism treatments like behavior therapy can make all the difference in the world for a young person on the Autism spectrum, and give our kids their best chance to become independent adults. However, the vast majority of Tennessee Autism families cannot afford these therapies for their children, because unlike 32 other states such as Arkansas, Kentucky, and Missouri where similar legislation has already been passed, the Tennessee insurance industry REFUSES to provide coverage for Autism treatments.

Please sign the petition, and help us let our Tennessee legislators know that Autism Insurance Reform bill SB1286/HB1265 must become law in 2013 -- it just makes good fiscal sense for our state! We have wide bi-partisan support for this bill, and as of this writing have 30 legislators from across Tennessee who have already signed on as co-sponsors!

Passing this legislation as soon as possible means that more children with Autism in Tennessee will receive the treatments they need to grow up to be contributing citizens, and our families need insurance coverage NOW. For some, Autism therapies can mean the difference between becoming a taxpayer… or not.

Please help Autism families in Tennessee -- support Autism Insurance Reform SB1286/HB1265 and help it become *law* in 2013!
