To: The New York State House

Support Bill A8800

Dear Assembly Member,

I write to urge you to support Assembly Bill A8800, which would allow houses of worship maximum access to rent empty school buildings that are not in use for school purposes. You have not yet signed on to A8800. This bill has support from a mosaic of New York including individuals from the left, right and center, and from Black, White, Latino and Asian communities!

In New York City, 68 houses of worship that pay rent to the Department of Education will be evicted on February 12th. These houses of worship are a source of revenue for the city, very important during these tough economic times! Many of these houses of worship also make important contributions to their surrounding communities like donation drives, after school programs, and drug rehabilitation programs.

Thus Assembly Member, I urge that you please sign-on to this important legislation. I am not asking for special treatment, but for equal treatment.


Why is this important?

Religious groups have until February 12, 2012 to move out of public schools and find their own venues of worship. These groups conduct services inside schools when classes are NOT in session, and is not catered towards the schools' students. The religious groups pay rent to the City of New York, and act as refuges for those who seek help.

This does not go against the separation of Church and State in that the church has no influence in the state and vice versa for the state as well.

Assembly Bill A8800 will give religious groups back the right to utilize school buildings during non-class hours. This bill must be passed as soon as possible. We do not have much time.