To: Sen. Marsha Blackburn (TN-2) and The United States Senate

Support Children's Rights

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We request that the following actions are taken by the Senate:

1) Add the treaty on the Convention of the Rights of the Child (CRC) to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee's agenda for proper consideration,

2) Hold a discussion on the issue to ratify the CRC no matter which party rules the Senate,

3) Ratify the CRC and end the shame of being the only member state of the United Nations to deny the rights of children.

Why is this important?

The citizens of the United States have been adversely affected by the Senate's failure to ratify the CRC. Our tax dollars and energy have been spent on fighting the unfair treatment of children domestically and internationally. Children are denied protection in war, asylum, education, justice and family matters in our name. It is time to ratify the CRC and hold the U.S. accountable to the same standards as other United Nations member states.