To: The South Carolina State House, The South Carolina State Senate, and Governor Henry McMaster

Support Contraception Education in South Carolina

We, the undersigned, wish to see to the passing of Bill 595 which will allow school districts to opt out of teaching abstinence only education in the state of South Carolina and for an amendment to be added that allows the districts to teach comprehensive sexual education on the use of contraception. This would allow the districts to receive a pro-rated amount of money in substitute of offering the abstinence program.

Why is this important?

Approximately 17 teens give birth in South Carolina everyday and in 2008 the state paid approximately $198 million dollars on teen pregnancy. Teen mothers are more likely to live in poverty and survive on public assistance. Contraceptive education can help to prevent these issues.

These are the facts: (from the SC Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy)
*6,024 teens aged 15-19 gave birth in 2011
*26% of these were already teen parents
*20% of teen pregnancies in 2010 ended in abortion
*57% percent of high school students have reported that they have had sex

Endorsing a comprehensive sexual education program that includes abstinence but also promotes proper contraception use can benefit the cause of ending teen pregnancy.