To: Emily Meyer ( KING & Spalding LLP), Attorney at Law

Support for Clemency

I am serving a sentence of life (which equates to Death), as Parole has been abolished in the Federal Bureau of Prisons. A jury of my peers found me guilty for Conspiracy to Possess with intent to distribute cocaine base and cocaine hydrochloride.

Why is this important?

King&Spalding, a law firm participating in Clemency Project 2014,a national effort to pursue clemency for federal prisoners, has been assigned my case for possible clemency eligibility. I ask that if you know about or have heard about such injustice that occurred in my case or others, please support me. If given the chance I will be productive member of society. I will show you and society how a person with no hope can still mature and better themselves via the rehabilitative programs that are offered by the Federal Bureau of Prisons. If the 20 years that I have already served is not enough to pay my debt to society, give me more years to do, but don't leave me with this sentence of DEATH
