To: USD 259 School Board

Support for New Northeast Schools

Support for the New Northeast Schools

Why is this important?

Dear USD 259 Resident:

The boundary proposals for the new northeast schools do not provide for a K-8 school or a comprehensive high school as promised in the 2008 bond election. Residents understand the significant cuts in funding from the State of Kansas, but are encouraging USD259 with the following recommendations to work together to fulfill the commitment of the 2008 bond election.

1. Support Supposal 4 for the K-5 boundary and develop a plan to expand the elementary to a K-8 school as promised;

2. Reserve spots for students residing near the new high school to attend the magnet program being relocated to the new school that would address overcrowding at Heights and develop a plan to expand to a comprehensive high school to serve students in this area as promised.

If you agree with these recommendations, please complete this VERY simple on-line support petition.

Thank you for your support!