To: The Washington State House, The Washington State Senate, and Governor Jay Inslee

Support for SB 6199

More than signing this petition, I need all hands on deck and calling their State Senators and State Representatives regarding this bill. This bill would make it a felony for a bank to steal someone's home. The penalty right now is that they LIED.....only perjury....and our state AG cannot act. Please tell them to make stealing a home a felony. Call your state Senator and your state Representative(s) today.

Why is this important?

More than signing this petition, I need all hands on deck and calling their State Senators and State Representatives regarding this bill. This bill would make it a felony for a bank to steal someone's home. The penalty right now is that they LIED.....only perjury....and our state AG cannot act. Please tell them to make stealing a home a felony. Call your state Senator and your state Representative(s) today.
