To: City Of Gardendale Officials

Support Gardendale Runs and Jay Beard

Victory! The creator of this petition declared the campaign a success. You can still sign the petition to show support.

We would like to show a support of Jay Beard and Buffalo Wild Wings for their leadership in Gardendale and organizing 5K Runs in our community to promote the community, community projects and causes, and to provide entertainment for runners and families from all over who come to our community for these events!

Why is this important?

There is a small group that is interested in not allowing the City to close roads for any length of time for the runs. It is our opinion that these runs bring positive exposure to the City Of Gardendale and the charities and events that it promotes. These runs never existed before Jay Beard and Buffalo Wild Wings organized them. It is our wish that the runs continue and that the City Of Gardendale officials continue to work with Run Gardendale to make these events a success!