To: The Massachusetts State House, The Massachusetts State Senate, and Governor Charlie Baker
Support HD2959, “An Act to reduce solid waste and provide universal recycling access”.
1 . all residents and businesses separate recyclables from the trash
2. all waste haulers provide adequate collection service to all customers for recyclables
3. recycling service is bundled with solid waste collection service cost.
4. MassDEP has the authority to enforce the Waste Bans on generators from point of generation through the point of disposal.
This borrows from similar laws enacted in Vermont, Delaware and California, as well as some local private hauler ordinances,
Many problems can be addressed if this bill becomes law:
Well over half of the recyclable commodities generated in Mass. are currently being wasted in landfills, or reduced to ash and a fraction of their inherent energy in waste-to-energy facilities.
- Private haulers report that many customers opt out of recycling service due to the additional cost it often entails. Low route density due to low participation contributes to that cost. Universal recycling would increase collection efficiency and reduce cost.
- Recycling provides many more jobs per ton than disposal, and creates a value-added product.
We hope you will add your name to the list of supporters.
2. all waste haulers provide adequate collection service to all customers for recyclables
3. recycling service is bundled with solid waste collection service cost.
4. MassDEP has the authority to enforce the Waste Bans on generators from point of generation through the point of disposal.
This borrows from similar laws enacted in Vermont, Delaware and California, as well as some local private hauler ordinances,
Many problems can be addressed if this bill becomes law:
Well over half of the recyclable commodities generated in Mass. are currently being wasted in landfills, or reduced to ash and a fraction of their inherent energy in waste-to-energy facilities.
- Private haulers report that many customers opt out of recycling service due to the additional cost it often entails. Low route density due to low participation contributes to that cost. Universal recycling would increase collection efficiency and reduce cost.
- Recycling provides many more jobs per ton than disposal, and creates a value-added product.
We hope you will add your name to the list of supporters.
Why is this important?
HD2959, if enacted, could have the potential to dramatically reduce disposed waste and recover millions of tons of valuable materials to use as feedstock for new products in Mass., saving money and resources, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and creating many jobs. The bill requires that all residents, businesses and waste haulers comply with the existing bans on the disposal of recyclable materials from their point of generation.