To: President Donald Trump, The California State House, The California State Senate, Governor Gavin Newsom, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Support Homeless Peoples' "Right to Rest" Within City Limits

Negate &/or abolish all local "no camping within city limits" ordinances as they are unconstitutional. These unfair laws discriminate against, chase away, & further impoverish people without houses (homeless, traveling musicians & artists, etc.) & also violate the first amendment-- the right to peaceably assemble.

Why is this important?

Many local ordinances do not allow "camping within city limits", & people who live outdoors (homeless, traveling musicians, artists) get either taken to jail, written a ticket, or warned about "next time this happens..." between the hours of midnight & 8 a.m.
Often times shelters can fill up leaving no place to go, or individuals would rather just sleep outdoors. There are many circumstances-- it is the preservation of freedom that is most important.
These ordinances have been put in place unfairly by committees who (usually) have no homeless people on their boards representing, & the subjugation involved against people without houses is certainly discriminatory.
