To: Governor Gavin Newsom

Support Homeowner Fairness under Foreclosure

Please sign this petition to ask Governor Brown to sign legislation which will level the playing field between lenders and all Calif. homeowners, as well as those in foreclosure. It adds permanent legal protections. This law is modeled after the national bank mortgage settlement signed in Feb by Bank of America Corp, JPMorgan Chase andCo, Wells Fargo & Com, Citigroup Inc. and Ally Financial Inc.

This legislation will require 1) all lenders in CA to provide a single point of contact for foreclosed homeowners, 2) prevent forcible foreclosures while in negotiation, and 3) allow law suits if their lender violates state law. Thank you!

For details, see

Why is this important?

Please sign this petition to ask Governor Brown to sign legislation approved by the Assembly which will level the playing field between lenders and all Calif. homeowners, as well as those in foreclosure. It adds permanent legal protections, and is modeled after the national bank mortgage settlement signed with our 5 largest banks.

For details, see
