To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Support HR 668, the Solar Shield Bill

Please support HR 668, the Solar Shield Bill (and any Senate equivalent) proposed by NASA. A failed electrical grid such as from EMP would mean nuclear power plant meltdowns and freezing to death in winter -- a gas furnace still needs electricity to run -- among many other problems including no water treatment.

Both the solar magnetic cycle and sunspot activity are set to peak in 2013.

In 1859 and 1921, solar events disrupted telegraph systems.

Many of our modern electronics are less resilient. Solar flares can bake the circuitry that controls aircraft, banking, GPS, radio and TV broadcasts, iPods, and the Internet.

And failed transformers which cost more than $1 million and weigh up to 300 tons mean a failed electrical grid. Replacing same could take years. That's far beyond inconvenience. It's civilization-threatening. It is possible to protect transformers which is what the bill would do. It's better to be safe than very sorry.

Why is this important?

Please support HR 668, the Solar Shield Bill (and any Senate equivalent) proposed by NASA to protect the electrical grid from EMP.