To: Louisiana Supreme Court

Support Justice Johnson's Struggle

In 1994 Justice Johnson joined the Louisiana Supreme Court. Regardless of the technical jargon, the intent was clear - her appointment provided the lone black voice on an all-white Supreme Court. Justice Johnson has faithfully fulfilled the obligations of a Supreme Court Justice since 1994.

The law is clear, the judge with the longest service automatically fills the position of Chief Justice.

Support and respect Justice Johnson's service on the Louisiana Supreme Court since 1994, and embrace her rightful place as Chief Justice when Chief Justice Kimball retires.

Why is this important?

Justice Bernette Johnson joined the Louisiana Supreme Court in 1994, elected to a special seat created to remedy racial disparities in Louisiana's justice system. Now, she's the lone black Supreme Court justice in a state where nearly one-third of residents are black.

Johnson thought she was next in line on the seven-member panel to be chief justice, based on seniority. But some of her colleagues say that's not the case.

The state constitution specifies that the judge with the longest service would automatically fill that position. Justice Johnson has been on the court longer than anyone other than Chief Justice Kimball.
