To: The New York State House, The New York State Senate, and Governor Andrew Cuomo

Support Mayor deBlasio's UPK and Public School Initiatives

Public School buildings are for Public Schools. Stop the lies and erroneous commercials sponsored by Eva Moskowitz. Make her use her media campaign funds to purchase locations for Charter Schools. We need the public school space to lessen class size and for new entering Pre-K students.

Why is this important?

In NYC, we can begin to phase out Charter Schools that are illegally located in Public Schools and paying no rent. We can begin to phase back in Public Schools, bringing in with us what works. The list of problems of Charter Schools co-locating within Public Schools is long. The bad has exceeded the good. Thus, it's time to correct the problem.

Creating Academies and or Houses within Public Schools can and will work. This will give students a feel of a smaller school with the access to public school resources and funding. We need to turn our schools back into community schools that can and will provide excellence. Especially after the winter we had in New York, we don't need to send our children miles away from their homes for a good education. Besides, we also need the space to lessen class size and for Pre-K students who will be entering school in September 2014.

Eva Moskowitz, Republican businesses, and the former Mayor of NYC allegedly made millions, even billions off of our children. It's time to stop this mess. I am not saying Charter Schools shouldn't exist. Keep the the excellent ones, which are actually few, and the money used for media campaigns, and campaign contributions among the financially elite, can be used to purchase properties to house Charter Schools.

What I am saying is develop and enhance Public Schools, and stop taking public money to make a few folks richer at the expense of our children.
