To: Dr. Smith, Superintendent

Support of Full Day Kindergarten 2015

We, the undersigned, support full day kindergarten. Based on the new core curriculum our children and teachers need more teaching time to reach their goals and allow our children to grow. Currently our kindergarten children are being subjected to an aggressive curriculum in a 3 hour day. Let's not let TIME be the reason kindergartners of 2015 do not get a fair education.

Why is this important?

Concerned Citizens for Full Day Kindergarten represents community groups within the HV School District. Along with increasing academic instruction, developmentally appropriate full-day kindergarten will offer a more relaxed atmosphere and more opportunities for child-centered, creative activities, as well as more opportunities for developing social skills.

Currently, Kindergarten teachers face the challenge of squeezing a full day curriculum into a half day schedule. This means Kindergarteners do not receive the full benefit of the reading and writing curriculum or sufficient exposure to Math, Science, Social Studies, Art and Music.

The space, curriculum and budget is there. There is no reason to delay! Let's not let time be the reason kindergartners of 2015 do not get a fair education.
