To: City and Borough of Wrangell, Wrangell School Board, and Wrangell Public School District
Support of School Counselor Position in Wrangell Public Schools
When schools look at budget cuts, sadly, the school counselor positions become part of the "To cut list". Counselors are professionals, trained to notice a child in crisis, and have the skills, tools and time to assist a child that is experiencing a personal crisis. They can provide a level of support for students that a teacher does not have the time, education or training to provide, especially without disrupting the flow of the classroom. Properly trained counselors can provide early detection of dysfunctional patterns of culture within the school that directly impact the atmosphere of learning and thus the overall effectiveness of the curriculum.
There is plenty of data to support why cutting a counselor’s position could/would be a life changing disruption for our youth. Removing this position leaves our children vulnerable, the ones that fall through the cracks. Children don't always cry out in words, a school counselor can read the signs and perhaps, can save a child's life. If you feel a counselor is just walking around making small talk with the children, they are not, they care deeply for all the children and are trained to see who may need a little follow up, while they are making contact, in the halls, classroom, lunch time, or outside on the playground. They are looking for those children that don't know how to verbally say help me, but directly (or indirectly) communicate with actions. If the need arises, a counselor can help families find the right professionals that incorporate the whole family, it may be substance abuse, violence, isolation, divorce, poverty or many other things.
A school is strengthened by the partnership and collaboration that is created between a school counselor, teachers, staff, students, and families. A school counselor brings important programs and skill practice that support the social and emotional needs of students. Programs and practices that would not normally be found on a consistent and regular basis within the school system, apart from this position. Schools with available counselors have less suicide, bullying, fear, anger, and poor grades (to name a few). With this collaborative system, there is more up building of students, hearing their fears and concerns, more confidence building and yes, less home violence.
Budget cuts are devastating, but I urge you to research the importance of a counselor on staff to keep our children safe, happy, healthy and prepared to grow into well-adjusted adults. I would strongly encourage you to seek other funding sources or partnerships to retain this position in our school system, if funding in the current budget cannot be reallocated. Remember, this could be a lifeline to a child you know and love. Don't take that away from the children. Thank you for your time.
There is plenty of data to support why cutting a counselor’s position could/would be a life changing disruption for our youth. Removing this position leaves our children vulnerable, the ones that fall through the cracks. Children don't always cry out in words, a school counselor can read the signs and perhaps, can save a child's life. If you feel a counselor is just walking around making small talk with the children, they are not, they care deeply for all the children and are trained to see who may need a little follow up, while they are making contact, in the halls, classroom, lunch time, or outside on the playground. They are looking for those children that don't know how to verbally say help me, but directly (or indirectly) communicate with actions. If the need arises, a counselor can help families find the right professionals that incorporate the whole family, it may be substance abuse, violence, isolation, divorce, poverty or many other things.
A school is strengthened by the partnership and collaboration that is created between a school counselor, teachers, staff, students, and families. A school counselor brings important programs and skill practice that support the social and emotional needs of students. Programs and practices that would not normally be found on a consistent and regular basis within the school system, apart from this position. Schools with available counselors have less suicide, bullying, fear, anger, and poor grades (to name a few). With this collaborative system, there is more up building of students, hearing their fears and concerns, more confidence building and yes, less home violence.
Budget cuts are devastating, but I urge you to research the importance of a counselor on staff to keep our children safe, happy, healthy and prepared to grow into well-adjusted adults. I would strongly encourage you to seek other funding sources or partnerships to retain this position in our school system, if funding in the current budget cannot be reallocated. Remember, this could be a lifeline to a child you know and love. Don't take that away from the children. Thank you for your time.
Why is this important?
A school is strengthened by the partnership and collaboration that is created between a school counselor, teachers, staff, students, and families. I would like to see this relationship continue within our school district to ensure our children are safe, happy, healthy and prepared to grow into well-adjusted adults.