To: The Ohio State House, The Ohio State Senate, and Governor Mike DeWine
Support Ohio's Freedom to Marry and Religious Freedom Amendment
Allow a loving couple better protect their themselves and their families, and provide religious institutions the freedom to marry whomever they wish by supporting the OH Constitutional Amendment that reads: In the State of Ohio and its political subdivisions, marriage shall be a union of two consenting adults not nearer of kin than second cousins, and not having a husband or wife living, and no religious institution shall be required to perform or recognize a marriage.
Why is this important?
Ohio has the chance to repeal and replace its 2004 Marriage Ban with a constitutional amendment that will allow a gay and lesbian couple the freedom to marry in a civil marriage. Marriage allows two loving people the right to make a public commitment to one another. Gay and lesbian couples want to marry for similar reasons as anyone—to make a lifetime promise of love, commitment, and responsibility to each other. Only marriage provides the protections families need in a crisis.
The language of the Amendment has been certified by the OH Atty. General, unanimously approved the OH Ballot Board and has survived an OH Supreme Court challenge.
Please support OH's Freedom to Marry and Religious Freedom Amendment. Provide family security and religious freedom by stopping the government from dictating to religious institution who may and may not be married.
The language of the Amendment has been certified by the OH Atty. General, unanimously approved the OH Ballot Board and has survived an OH Supreme Court challenge.
Please support OH's Freedom to Marry and Religious Freedom Amendment. Provide family security and religious freedom by stopping the government from dictating to religious institution who may and may not be married.