To: The Oregon State House and The Oregon State Senate

Support Oregon SB 438 and HB 2427 to stop GMO crops being grown in Oregon.

Call and email your Oregon State Senator and Representative to support SB 438 and HB 2427. These measures will put a stop to the destructive, environmental catastrophe waiting to happen if GMO crops are grown in the pristine Willamette Valley. GMO's will endanger a rapidly expanding organic food industry, 4th in the nation for sales [120+ million] and #5 in overall acreage. It will affect the Oregon wine industry as well. The Law of Unintended Consequences directly applies to allowing GMO's to be grown in Oregon. The large, negative economic impact will hurt the state, farming communities, and families

Why is this important?

These measures will put a stop to the destructive, environmental catastrophe waiting to happen if GMO crops are grown in the pristine Willamette Valley. GMO's will endanger a rapidly expanding organic food industry, 4th in the nation for sales [120+ million] and #5 in overall acreage. It will affect the Oregon wine industry as well. The Law of Unintended Consequences directly applies to allowing GMO's to be grown in Oregon. The large, negative economic impact will hurt the state, farming communities, and families.