To: Deborah Labbadia, President, Hunterdon Central Regional High School Board of Education and Kathy Raborn, Vice President, Hunterdon Central Regional High School Board of Education

Support Palestinian American teacher fighting discrimination

We call on the Board of Hunterdon Central Regional High School to retract its statement that “Palestine is not a nation,” apologize to Sireen Hashem and to all Palestinians, and cease any future harassment and retaliation. Instead, the school must create programs to fight racism, Islamophobia and bigotry.

Why is this important?

Sireen Hashem is suing Hunterdon Central Regional High School Board of Education (Flemington, NJ) in Federal court for discrimination, including harassment, termination, and retaliation. We support Sireen Hashem’s fight against discrimination based on race (Arab), national origin (Palestinian), and religion (Muslim). Incidents of discrimination at school included being the only teacher who got in trouble for showing a film about Malala and being told that she could not teach the way other teachers did because she was Palestinian and Muslim. When she appealed her termination despite being rated as an effective teacher, the FBI was called on her as further harassment and retaliation (a precursor to what we may increasingly expect under a Trump administration). The Board's current argument that "Palestine is not a nation" is simply another example of discrimination and an insult to all Palestinians. It is inappropriate for a school board to make false and politically charged statements claiming that Palestine is not a nation. In fact, Palestine is recognized as a nation by 136 nations-- but legally a nation's recognition has NOTHING to do with whether there is discrimination based on national origin.

We cannot tolerate the school district's attempt to erase Sireen Hashem’s national identity and Palestine's existence as a nation. We support Sireen Hashem's Federal lawsuit at this time of vicious Islamophobia, discrimination, and harassment of Arabs and Muslims. Join us in fighting back to demand justice for Sireen Hashem and an end to Islamophobia, racism, and bigotry in our country.
