To: Rockaway Boro Town Council

Support Rockaway Boro Fire Dept: Say NO to budget cuts

Help stop budgets cuts to the Rockaway Boro Fire Department!

Why is this important?

Friends and supporters of the Rockaway Borough Fire Dept: The Rockaway Borough Mayor and Council are proposing to severely cut the Fire Departments Budget in 2 areas: The Family Festival Fireworks and annual Inspection dinner and award ceremony. The inspection dinner is a show of appreciation the town provides to the Chief, men and women of your Fire Department for their dedicated service 24/7 365 days a year. The July Family Festival is in Jeopardy this year due to these cuts. The members are very upset and morale is at an all time low!

Firemen’s Field was hit hard by the floods. The field is Owned by the Rockaway Boro Fire Department Association not funded by your taxes but by the annual drive letter and the family festival which is when the FIREWORKS are shot off. Theylost everything during the flood which will cost the Association approximately $12,000 to replace before we even open the doors for the fireworks. They were forced for a 3rd night by the ride company if we want rides but it also comes at a expense for police that night and the mayor & council are charging us for the occurred cost.

When you add up all the cuts and the charges for the extra night of the festival this is the magic number it would cost TAX PAYERS... $2.84.

The town has a surplus of cash and the taxes on a $300,000 house will increase be roughly $88.00 for the Municipal tax which is only 25% of your taxes... but they have roughly $61,000 in a surplus and they cut areas that would hurt the RESIDENTS and children in town... they cut roughly $4,500 out of the Fire Departments inspection / awards dinner & reduced fireworks by $1,700 and charging for police for thursday night of festival roughly $1,200 say... $7,400 divide that by say 2600 residents $2.84...WOW was it worth it....$2.84 even if they gave the full $61000 it would be $23.46 on top of the say roughly just over $100 per home... Some how Rec found money to pay for the police for the parades because town cut the parade OT.. Here is a question to ask WHERE DID THEY FIND MONEY???? We now know WHERE THAT $75.00 REC CARD FEE GOES....

This is NOT their Fight! ... THEY fight fires and as you look around town the ROCKAWAY BORO FIRE DEPARTMENT DOES a awsome job!

APRIL 26, 2012 THE BUDGET GETS PASSED We really need your support ... Please sign this petition, so that the TOWN OF ROCKAWAY will comprehend how important it is to al of us that the Rockaway Boro Fire Department be supported morally and financially by ALL!

Thank you for your time and support!
