To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Support the bill for comprehensive immigration reform

Your senators and representatives have critical roles to play. Every member of Congress is deciding now whether to support or block reform, or whether to be a champion or just sit back. Call on your Senators and Representatives to support an immigration reform with a speedy, clear pathway to citizenship for all 11 million aspiring Americans.

Why is this important?

Linda Serafini-Gale is a bilingual/ESL teacher in a suburb of Houston, TX and worked with parents to help their children succeed. Born and raised in Los Angeles, CA Linda grew up noticing how her Latino friends were treated: directed to homemaking and shop classes in school, and called names like "stupid" and worse. In those days, none of her Latino friends dreamed of going to college—it felt beyond their reach. Yesterday, thanks to people power across the country, a bipartisan group of senators introduced a bill for comprehensive immigration reform. This is a major moment to celebrate—and it is a moment to act!