To: The California State House, The California State Senate, and Governor Gavin Newsom

Support the California Dream Act (AB 130 & AB 131)

Support the California Dream Act (AB 130 & AB 131), which would allow thousands of deserving young people to go to college and fulfill their potential.

Why is this important?

Each year, an estimated 24,000 undocumented students graduate from high school in California.

Many of these students, defying the odds that predicted their failure, achieved academic excellence and gained admission to the best public universities and colleges of our nation.

However, their ineligibility for financial aid and inability to seek employment precludes them from affording the one opportunity to earn a college degree and fulfill a dream.

Most of these students were brought to this country at a very young age by their parents and have been raised in the United States just as their U.S. citizen classmates.

The CA Dream Act would reduce the financial burden that “AB 540” students face by allowing them the ability to apply and receive financial aid in California.

These are the state’s most vulnerable students who have worked hard to exceed expectations, achieve higher than average grade point averages, and overcome many obstacles. These students are valedictorians, class presidents, and star athletes.

Through their hard work and perseverance, these students have earned the opportunity to attend an institution of higher education, and their accomplishments should not be disregarded or their futures jeopardized because of their legal status.

The legislature and governor should pass and sign the California Dream Act (AB 130 and AB 131).
