To: The Colorado State House, The Colorado State Senate, and Governor Jared Polis

Support The Expungement of Criminal Records in Colorado!

I am a current student who has worked hard to achieve a double degree in Geography and Sociology at New Mexico State University. However, I have been severely impacted. Unfortunately, I have been haunted by a past conviction for growing two marijuana plants in the state of Colorado, my home. Despite now being legal in Colorado, I continued to be harassed by law enforcement, denied admission to universities, and rejected from housing due to my record. I strive to ascertain success but am held back due to having a record. Numerous states allow felony cases to be expunged after a set period typically ten years. However, Colorado has no such statute. Those who made indiscretions of youth should be forgiven instead of punished for life for misdeeds. Please support a change in Colorado law to allow for the expungement opf a criminal offense after ten years of total compliance with law.

Why is this important?

Law Enforcement Against Prohibition has said that "you can get over an addiction, but not a conviction". So many people are punished for life due to a criminal record. Support the forgiveness of a conviction over time.