To: President Donald Trump

Support the Mayors Against Illegal Guns

We are all mourning with the families of the victims of the massacre in Connecticut. I have signed many petitions and posted on social media about the ban on assault weapons. Most of us know, however, know that you do not need an assault weapon to break hearts. How many innocent children are gunned down every year in our cities?

I have written to the White House supporting the ban on assault weapons. I also requested that the President support the "Mayors Against Illegal Guns" initiatives.
Mayor Bloomberg, NY
Mayor Nutter, Philadelphia
Mayor Daley, Chicago
Mayor White, Houston
Mayor Adams, Portland
Mayor Coleman, Columbus are among the 725 mayors of small town and big cities demanding a plan to address the easy access to guns and the havoc it causes. Please join me in urging the President to support the Mayors!
(Gov. Corbett of Pennsylvania and the legislature's most vocal gun-rights proponent say that as horrific as the recent tragedy may be it does not change their position against any additional gun-control measures.)
National attention will not remain for long with the families of Sandy Hook Elementary nor on the issue of gun control. Please take the time to jot off a quick email to the White House.

Why is this important?

My neighborhood is plagued by gun violence around drug activity.