To: President Donald Trump and The United States Senate

Support the "Mexican Spring"

What is really going on regarding corruption in Mexico and the U.S. relationship to it? Support the Mexican people's anti-corruption movement with an independant investigation.

Why is this important?

The “Mexican Spring” is a general term applied to the current pro-democracy, anti-corruption movement occurring now in Mexico but largely unknown by Americans due to distorting and under reporting.
"MEXICAN SPRING" leaders are being jailed and going missing. They face overwhelming internal corruption of the Mexican Government, Police and Justice Systems overseeing 100,000+ murdered and missing citizens including journalists terrified into silence in recent years.
Where is the Global Media? Why the inconsistent U.S. Government responses? With the Mexican people bravely standing up to protest amid serious fraud charges clouding their current election, terror tactic intimidation and evidence of Mexican Federal Police in service to Cartels including targeted killing of Americans the “Mexican Spring” deserves our urgent witness for truth and justice to prevail.
Please help launch an independent investigation in the U.S. Senate outside of the situation within Mexico and the U.S. agencies closest to the corrupted dysfunction. We are all North Americans. Our security is intertwined. Please sign and share.
