To: JB Pritzker, Candidate for Governor, Chris Kennedy, Candidate for Governor, Rahm Emanuel, Mayor of the City of Chicago, Daniel Bliss, Candidate for Governor, Laura Fine (IL-9), The Illinois State House, The Illinois State Senate, and G...

Support the People's Platform

Help remove economic oppression from low-income communities on Chicago's South and West sides.

Why is this important?

Communities on the South and West sides of Chicago are suffering from economic oppression. The lack of investment has increased the level of violence, drug activities and property crimes.

During election season candidates come into our communities making promises they never keep. Candidates ask for our support in their candidacy, through volunteer work. Once elected the results of their Platform and campaign promises are nil.

The time has come for our communities to make a real statement, for the present and future growth of our communities. The People's Platform will be our way of holding candidates accountable.

All candidates will be asked to sign on to the People's Platform. The People's Platform consist of candidates presenting a full economic development plan (with timeline for implementation), including a guaranteed four year investment budget line item, incentives for business development in low income communities, community benefit agreements in all low income communities, funding for developing and supporting After-School and Sports programs, Bank accountability for foreclosed properties (boarded up properties bring the property value down. Banks should maintain the property and put it back on the market in a timely manner), and quarterly meetings/calls with the People's Platform advisory committee.

No candidate will receive our support without signing a binding agreement.