To: Chicago's Fast Food and Retail Chains

Support Workers in Chicago!

Macy’s, McDonald’s, Whole Foods, and Victoria’s Secret:

I've had it with you. I've had it with you, and other, fast food and retail chains not paying your employees enough to survive. I’m outraged that your workers can’t afford rent, food, transportation, or health care (health care that you won’t provide for them!). That’s why I’m joining the striking workers in Chicago to demand you pay your workers $15 an hour.

Why is this important?

Workers at fast food and retail chains across Chicago should have at least $15 an hour and the right to form a union. Their employers are making huge profits, but aren't paying their workers enough to cover basic needs like food, rent, heat, health care, and transportation. It’s outrageous and it has to stop.
The brave workers are willing to risk their jobs and their livelihoods to stand up and say ENOUGH – and we can’t let them stand alone.
