To: Supreme Court of the United States, Chief Justice John Roberts

Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts: Stop Allowing the Navy to Kill Whales with SONAR

A 2008 Supreme Court decision has been allowing the US Navy to kill whales with SONAR during war games. Since that time, the Navy has been killing whales with SONAR in 70% of the world's oceans, it hasn't made us one bit safer, and it must stop.

Why is this important?

In 2008, the United States Supreme Court sided with the U.S. Navy, saying National Security came before protecting our whales. Since that time, many whales have died and continue to die, as a result of Navy SONAR war games. The Supreme Court decision was wrong, and we would rather live in a world with whales and some risks rather than a world with no risks and no whales. Chief Justice Roberts, please have the SCOTUS re-hear the issue of Navy SONAR and stop killing our whales. Like us on Facebook at: Stop Navy Sonar Testing
