Please, we urge you now to be on the right side of history. We urge each of you now to stand for the rights of all Americans. Please take a stand against a law that is out of favor with the majority of America, out of step with what is in our Constitution, and uphold the civil rights of all loving, committed couples. Please remove discrimination such as DOMA from the laws of our land and make it truly the land of the free.
Why is this important?
We struggle from city to city, state to state and watch our fellow LGBT family members, friends, co-workers and neighbors continue getting pushed to the back of the bus when it comes to our rights as promised in the Constitution and yet personal beliefs, instead of what is right, lead the conversations and actions regarding marriage equality for all Americans. We petition you now to correct too many years of second class citizenship and make all relationships between two consenting adults equal in the eyes of the law of the land. Every American’s relationship deserves the same rights and responsibilities. Every American’s relationship deserves the same treatment from the government we all elect and in the laws we all follow.