To: Employees in Healthcare and Name, Title or Position (optional)

Survey to measure knowledge/understanding about employees legal rights in the workplace.

I would like to taget employees of local hospital with a survey designed to collect information that I will then use to prepare a petition. My survey will aim to test the knowledge/understanding that employees have about their legal rights in the workplace. I also intend to collect demographic data such as age, race, nationality, education, work status (temporary/permanent), and employment titles. If possible, I would like to survey only individulals employed in the 5 boroughs of NYC. Please let me know if this is possible and if this outline fits into the mission and objectives of this website.
Thank you.

Why is this important?

The United States of America is a nation of people that as a whole understands the socio-economic value in guaranteeing people's rights in the workplace. Many laws and agencies have been established to safeguard these rights. However, I suspect the average working American does not know how to exercise these rights in order to protect themselves from their employers. I believe that we are living challenging economic times where employer abuse (whether it is verbal harassment, wage theft, or illegal discrimination) has become so rampant that it is imperative for individuals to understand what they can do benefit from the laws that protect them. My aim of this petition will be to measure my audience knowledge in this area and identify areas of need in order to make an educate recommendation for legislative changes.
