It's time for sustainable solutions to fund our public education system, not last resorts, like bankruptcy. There are many sensible and even promising solutions that have not been tried.
We support the following reforms to ensure our children’s future.
At the state level:
Reinstate the 5% income tax that ended Jan. 2015, costing the state billions, or implement a fair tax structure
Add a state sales tax on services to yield additional revenue
Close corporate loopholes and end corporate subsidies
Contribute toward Chicago teacher pensions
At the city level:
Immediately shut down TIF districts that no longer meet their original purpose of developing blighted areas
Return at least $400 million of TIF surplus to taxing bodies this year
Enact a corporate income tax
Raise property taxes by a modest amount as a last resort
At the CPS level:
Stop spending on nonessential items and explore cutting contracts that we’ve shared (
Reduce central office departments such as Innovation/Incubation, Accountability, and Family and Community Engagement
Stop charter expansion and selective enrollment high school expansion
We look to your example of leadership and stewardship during this challenging time. Our children and our schools depend on you. Please act now to raise revenue.