To: Pat Fry, CEO

Sutter Health: Don't close San Leandro Community Hospital

Let the San Leandro community keep their acute care hospital open. A viable alternative has been offered to Sutter Health to allow St. Rose Hospital to operate San Leandro Hospital, and Sutter Health should terminate their fight to close it.

Why is this important?

Lives are at stake. The closure of San Leandro hospital will have a drastic effect on wait times in nearby hospital emergency rooms, longer distances to travel for acute heart attacks and strokes. 400+ people will lose their jobs, and doctors will relocate their offices elsewhere. Sutter Health maintains they are losing money at this hospital, at the same time moving more profitable procedures to nearby Eden Medical Center- which they own. California State records show that Eden Hospital earned in excess of $30 million a year. St. Rose Hospital, in nearby Hayward CA has offered to take over San Leandro Hospital, and has provided financial statements to corroborate this.
