To: Governor Gavin Newsom

System must work right

1. workers comp case is not guilt.
2. Stalking cases must be paid attention.

Why is this important?

I have personally affected by couple of things that I think it is shame to have in our system. Meanwhile I am not sure if anyone will go along with it as it is different.
The first thing is the illegal list of people that companies hold who have had work. comp. case in the past and no matter who is at fault they are denying employment without admitting it.
The second one is our laws that :yes: and "no" decides who is guilty or not. I am being stalked for 30 years and recently is gone really bad. I have contacted FBI and police but although I am telling them I have witness and he is listening to my telephone conversations and destroying my computer but no one is listening as it is hard for having evidence and proof. I don't know how they are getting people on porn cases. In my case that guy has had a technician connected his computer to mine and he is loading with viruses........ This initially started by paying a Time Warner technician and getting into my service line and finally getting into my computer. He is having my computer’s registry modified so that it accepts viruses. There are many more that it is out of public’s patient to read. Although I have changed my service provider but he is still getting into my computer. Time Warner could help finding their own technician who help him for money but here again the top management must decide about it and it does not worth for them to spend time and money. Here again following the routine help the guilty party.
I really am getting sick and I need help. I appreciate any help which will enable me to live a little normal!
At this moment that I was preparing the petition, again he sent virus and I was not able to continue. I disconnected the internet and wrote this on a pad so that I can copy and paste very quick. This is how I work On my computer and I am a computer lit. person.
