To: President Donald Trump, The Illinois State House, The Illinois State Senate, Governor J.B. Pritzker, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Systematically Preventing/Defeating Childhood Obesity

Approximately 80% of all elementary school age kids are NOT YET OBESE, but many lack the upper body pulling strength to do pull ups. However, given access to the right set of experiences, (Google “childhood obesity prevention and pull ups” in order to explore the possibilities) most of the kids in this preventative window can be systematically motivated to learn to do pull ups within one school year. And if they eat and exercise in ways that allow them to maintain the ability for life, odds are they’ll never have to wrestle with America's # 1 health problem, obesity and all the related issues.

Why is this important?

Everyone has been touched in one way or the other by childhood obesity including me. And since we have a simple, cost effective tool at our disposal with which to systematically prevent childhood obesity, it's high time we replace all the abstract talk with concrete action!