To: Roy Kim and Ross Van Loo, Senior Planner

Taco Bell Does Not Belong In the Village

The plan for Bethany Village was approved in 1993. A tremendous amount of effort went into designing a healthy neighborhood with diverse housing and supportive businesses. Chains such as Subway and Starbucks have located in the Village and fit well into the design. Big box retailers QFC and Walgreens have always been part of the plan as anchor tenants that made the project financially feasible.

The Taco Bell proposed, for the last remaining building pad in the Village, is a violation of the concepts and promises that the original planning approvals were based on. It is not pedestrian friendly. It is not neighborhood friendly. It is not architecturally pleasing. It is, quite simply, disrespectful and shameful.

Why is this important?

A drive-thru fast food restaurant such as Taco Bell does not belong in Bethany Village. The Village design was based on concepts that promote healthy neighborhoods. Taco Bell has no place here.
