To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Support TAGS: Teachers against guns in schools

Pass national legislation that prohibits teachers, administrators and staff to possess firearms within school buildings.

Why is this important?

One short week after the Sandy Hook tragedy, NRA leadership called for ‘guns in schools’ as the antidote to future incidents. We know this is not the answer—more guns means more shootings, more accidents, more tragedy. Putting loaded guns into the hands of school personnel is simply unacceptable.

But eighteen states (including California, Connecticut and Hawaii) already permit teachers to carry guns. The details for these permissions vary, but the result is the same—children can end up in harms way. Currently, several other states have already proposed bills to arm our teachers. At the same time, teachers, administrators and parents are speaking out overwhelmingly against guns in civilian hands at school. This includes the teaching community of Sandy Hook.

The NRA has really only one motive in wanting to arm our teachers and school staff—more guns sales, and hence more profits. We need national legislation so that these politicized dramas, and their potentially disastrous consequences, do not get played out one state at a time. Like regulations for our food and drugs, keeping guns out of schools is a matter of national health.

For more information on proposed legislation, local decisions and responses from teachers and parents, please visit our Facebook page:

Please sign this petition today. And encourage others to sign as well.

Let’s work together to put as much distance as possible between children and guns.